Monday, March 9, 2015

Think Big

Think Big. What does that even mean? Have big ideas? Be a big person? Well maybe not any of those things.

Think big means to never underestimate yourself. I think in this world of entrepreneurship we are constantly bombarded with the fact that this is hard and that there will always be trials and obstacles to overcome. Is that false? No, in fact it's pretty darn true. However; amidst that, you have to realize that your dreams are the biggest helper you have in carrying yourself to success. Never ever underestimate yourself.

Taylor Richards talks about when he learned that he had been invited to the top 100- he figured that his company was probably in the top 75. Turns out he was number 11. ELEVEN out of 100! That's huge. He completely thought that they weren't as good as they were but with his team and his will power, they made it almost to the top ten. That's amazing. Watch the video HERE

Richards points out that if you want to do the great things, you need to involve the world. You can do anything you set your mind to but you have to try. You have to believe in yourself. He said "it's no harder to be great than it is to be good." That's powerful. Push past that barrier and find what you truly are made of. Find what you love to do.

Dream huge and pursue your goals and above all never ever give up on yourself!

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